Slurry delivery
The TD can deliver slurry with some limitations. Contact us for allowable particle size and concentration.
• Branch a drain line from the discharge line.
• Do not allow any inverted arch line in pipework where slurry can stay.
• Reduce (optimise) the suction and the discharge line I.D. as long as the NPSHr is satisfied in order to obtain
the maximum possible speed of flow.
• Install a flushing line (tap water) for removing slurry from the pump and piping after delivery.
• Do not use a back pressure valve. The valve may be damaged or clogged by slurry.
• With no use of a back pressure valve, the minimum differential pressure (0.03MPa or higher discharge pres-
sure than suction pressure) may not be satisfied and overfeeding may occur. In this case extend the dis-
charge line upwards to increase the pressure to the necessary level.
• If the relief valve has opened to release overpressure and been contaminated by slurry, take apart and clean
the inside to remove slurry.
• If an injection point at the end of discharge line is located at a lower position than a tank liquid level, siphon
will take place. In this case extend the rising part of discharge line over the liquid level and then separate the
falling part of it before the tank liquid level.
Flushing line
Injection point
Tank liquid level
Set apart the falling part of
discharge line before a tank
liquid level to prevent siphon.