Lower the heating.
Open the thermostat valves completely.
The heat pump's task is to produce heating of the house as cost-effectively
as possible. You can infl uence operating costs by your own settings for the
heat pump. In addition you can infl uence your energy savings by, e.g.
Lowering the indoor temperature.
Opening thermostat valves completely.
Lowering the indoor temperature
The lower the indoor temperature the better the heating economy. So
make sure you do not set the heat curve too high. Use your heating system
in the best possible way by keeping the entire surface of radiators or fl oor
coils warm.
1. Seal windows and doors, but not too tight.
2. When you air the room, do it quickly and with a cross draught.
Opening thermostat valves completely
The thermostat valves on radiators and fl oor coils can have a negative
effect on the heating system by slowing the fl ow and, by doing so, the heat
pump must compensate with a higher temperature. If thermostat valves
are installed they should be opened fully, except in bedrooms or other
areas where a lower temperature is required. In these rooms they can be
somewhat closed.