This is how your electric boiler works
The electric boiler produces hot water and additional heating
The electric boiler produces hot water and heating, (additional heat together with Optima)
The electric boiler contains a double shelled hot water heater. There is an electric element which
heats the water in the heating water (outer shell).
The system heats the hot water based on information from a sensor in the hot water heater and
the settings in the control unit. The electric element is also used to produce extra high hot water
temperature, which is reached via a hot water peak.
This is how your electric boiler works
Outline drawing Optima and 290 A/W
Principles in different demand situations
Optima produces heat and there is no hot water requirement:
Optima heats the heating water according to the fl ow sensor (T1) and
the temperature settings in the control unit. The heating water is fed
through 290 A/W without passing through the hot water heater.
Optima produces heat and there is a hot water requirement:
In this case, the hot water sensor (T3) indicates that the hot water
needs heating. The heating water from Optima passes through the hot
water cylinder’s outer shell and heats up the hot water until the hot
water requirement is met. While it is doing so, no heat is produced.
The switch between heating and hot water production occurs automati-
cally at a certain time interval.
Optima needs additional heat in order to satisfy a heating
In this case, the electric element heats the heating water in the outer
shell of the hot water heater. This heating water is fed into the heating
system in suitable amounts thereby increasing the fl ow temperature.
Extra hot water and hot water peaks:
When these requirements must be met, the control unit ensures that
hot water is fi rst heated by the compressor together with the electric
element, then only by the electric element until demand is met.
At outdoor temperatures lower than approx -20ºC:
In the event of too low an outdoor temperature, the compressor stops
and all heating of heating water and hot water occurs via an electric
element in 290 A/W. The outdoor temperature is displayed via the
outdoor sensor (T2)
Summer season:
In this case, there is no heat production and the compressor is idle.
When a hot water requirement occurs, the compressor starts and
meets the demand. Extra hot water and hot water peaks function as
described previously.
Hot water
Hot water
Heating water