3.1.4 Connection of Handpiece Assembly to the Laser
1. The handpiece assembly is already installed when you receive your new
Odyssey Navigator Diode Laser. Please leave the handpiece assembly
connected to the laser unit unless you have to switch handpiece
assemblies or if you have to ship the laser for technical reasons.
Disconnecting the handpiece for even short periods can lead to
contamination of the precision polished end of the fiber connector.
This may result in reduced power output of your laser over time.
Fig 3.1.4.a
2. If you have to disconnect the cable, keep the fiber tip connector
of the handpiece and the connector on the bottom of your Odyssey
Navigator clean. Use a protective plastic sleeve from a disposable tip to
protect the end of the handpiece assembly at any time and be sure
not to touch the precision polished end of the connector. Fig 3.1.4b
Install the protective metal cap to protect the connector on the bottom of
your laser from dust and other contaminants. The protective metal cap
serves also as protection from accidental firing of the laser. Fig 3.1.4c
Contaminants on the fiber ends may lead to the malfunction
of your handpiece. Please take special care in exchanging
handpiece assemblies.
3. Installation of a handpiece assembly to the laser should be done in a
clean environment. Attach the handpiece fiber assembly by screwing the
knurled connector of the cable into the bottom of the laser unit. Avoid
scratching the end of the fiber connector when inserting the cable.
Fig 3.1.4d
The custom engineered connector at the bottom of your Odyssey
Navigator does not allow operating the laser if there is no handpiece
assembly present. This is a feature for your protection, a Safety Alert
window will pop up on your
screen if you switch on the
laser with out handpiece
installed. Make sure to
moderately hand tighten the
connection of your handpiece
assembly after installation.
Fig 3.1.4e
3 W AT T D I O D E L A S E R
Section 3
Fig 3.1.4a
Fig 3.1.4b
Fig 3.1.4d
Fig 3.1.4c
Fig 3.1.4e
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