GENERAL - The most common reason for poor tool performance and incorrectly formed straps
joints is improper tool maintenance. The easiest way to determine if a tool is performing
correctly is by inspecting the strap joint. Having a tool maintenance program is a simple task
which consists of three parts. First, a quick daily inspection of the tool for any worn or broken
parts. Secondly, keep each tool on a schedule of service intervals for cleaning and lubrication.
Third, when problems do occur, use the troubleshooting guide to properly determine and fix
problems before they lead to more serious tool conditions. Each of these three tasks have been
outlined for this particular tool, read and understand all information for improving the life and
performance of the tool.
At the beginning of the day:
1. Drain filter and moisture traps in the air line.
2. Check lubricator oil level and refill if necessary.
3. Observe air pressure gauge to determine that the regulator is adjusted to the correct
4. Use a wire brush to clean the gripper.
At the end of the day:
1. Disconnect the air hose from the tool.
2. Rotate the twist-valve clockwise and squirt one (1) teaspoon of lubricating oil into the air
3. Return the twist-valve to neutral and reconnect the air hose.
4. Rotate the twist-valve clockwise and allow the air motor to run free for one minute. Wipe
excess oil from the exhaust with a cloth.
TOOL INSPECTION - Visually inspect the exterior of the tool on a daily basis. Decreased tool life
can be prevented by early detection of broken parts. Replace all broken parts with new parts.
Review the Parts Removal, Replacement & Adjustments portion of this manual for information
and details.
SERVICE INTERVALS - Tool component wear is affected by the environment and strap tension
that the tool is subjected to. In the worst case, heavy gauge wide strapping. All critical moving
components of the tool should be inspected at particular intervals, some more often than others.
Broken parts can lead to additional component wear and produce lower strap tension.
If there is any question that joint formation is not as shown or is
suspect, it is important that you contact your tool representative immediately.
TOOL LUBRICATION - Acme tools use a variety of greases and oils, all of which can be ordered
through Acme. When ordering indicate tool model, part number and name. The gear housing of
this tool should be packed 1/3 full with non-fluid oil #K55. Pack any open bearings before
THREAD SEALANTS - Acme tools are assembled using a variety of thread sealants, all of which
can be ordered through Acme using the appropriate description shown below.
Loctite #222
Loctite #242
Loctite #609
For Parts & Service 1-877-862-6699