Section 1
Model 763A Gage Pressure Transmitter
Available Spans .............................. 0-300 to 0-3,600 psig
Output ............................................. 4-20 mA or 10-50 mA
Reference Accuracy* ...................... ±0.5% of factory calibrated span, including the
effects of conformance (non-linearity), deadband,
hysteresis, and repeatability
Adjustability ....................................
without affecting normal or accident condition perfor-
up to 30% suppression. Zero or Span adjustments
beyond ±5% affect normal and accident condition
performance.Calibration is by the end-point method
with zero and full scale outputs held to ±0.05% of
Sensitivity* ...................................... ±0.01% of factory calibrated span
Power Requirements ...................... 15 VDC plus 2 VDC per 100 Ohm load to 53 VDC
maximum (4-20 mA)
15 VDC plus 5 VDC per 100 Ohm load to 53 VDC
maximum (10-50 mA)
Load Range
(includes line and receiver)............. 50 Ohms per volt above 15 VDC (4-20 mA)
20 Ohms per volt above 15 VDC (10-50 mA)
Load Effect* .................................... < ±0.05% of factory calibrated span per 100 Ohm
change (4- 20 mA)
< ±0.1% of factory calibrated span per 100 Ohm
change (10-50 mA)
Power Supply Effect* ...................... < ±0.025% of factory calibrated span per 1 Volt
change (4-20 mA)
< ±0.05% of factory calibrated span per 1 Volt
change (10-50 mA)
Noise* ............................................. < 0.25% peak-to-peak of factory calibrated span
Zero Elevation ................................ Factory adjusted to 14.7 psig
Thermal Effect* (combined
effect on zero and span) ................. < ±1.0% of factory calibrated span per 100°F change
from +40°F to +150°F
< ±1.5% of factory calibrated span per 100°F change
from +150°F to +320°F
Radiation* ....................................... ±10.0% error for exposures to 2 x 10
Rads TID
±5.0% error for exposures to 5 x 10
Rads TID
During Event* ............................. < ±5.0% error (0-300 to 0-3,600 psig spans)
After Event* ................................ < 1.5% error (0-300 to 0-500 psig spans)
< ±0.5% error (0-500 to 0-3,600 psig spans)
LOCA Performance* .......................
< ±10.0% error thereafter to the conclusion of the
LOCA test, as performed per Document No.