Section 3
Model 763A Gage Pressure Transmitter
Pipe the instrument into the system in accordance with the following guide-
lines. Figure 3.1 shows a typical installation for liquid service. The practices
described in this section should be followed for all instrument piping.
The distance between the primary device and the instrument should be as
short as possible.
Figure 3.1—Typical installation (liquid service)
Slope all piping at least one inch per linear foot to prevent liquid or gas en-
trapment in the lines or the instrument.
• Slope all piping downward from the transmitter when used in gas instal-
lations to prevent liquid entrapment.
• Slope all piping upward from the transmitter when used in liquid applica-
tions to prevent gas entrapment.
WARNING: Take special precautions to prevent hydrogen from contacting
the Bourdon tube. Hydrogen embrittlement of the metal may result.
Process Temperature
If the process temperature exceeds 135°F, provide a minimum of 1-foot of un-
insulated pipe between the instrument and the primary device for each 100°F
above 135°F.
Minimize pulsation. Severe pulsation will affect the instrument's performance.
Prevent leakage by using a suitable sealing compound on all joints. Measure-
ment errors can be caused by leaks in the piping.