4. Take off the safety buckle, passing the retention plate through
the seat base slots (fig. 8.4).
2. removing the fabric cover
1. Put the headrest in the higher position.
2. Take off the headrest fabric cover.
3. Take off the fabric cover from the car seat.
9. INsTallING THe cHIld seaT. GroUP 2
Before installing the seat for Group 2, the seat harnesses
harness protectors
must be removed. Please,
for this, follow chapter 8, section 1.
1. Ensure the seat is not in a reclined position (the indicator
should be in position 1) and is ready to install in forward
position (Group 2). Pull the lever
forward and adjust the
angle of recline to position without releasing the lever. Release
the lever when the seat is in the desired position.
2. Place the child safety seat in the back seat of the vehicle
facing in the direction of travel.
10. PlacING THe cHIld IN THe seaT. GroUP 2
1. According to the child’s height the headrest can be adjusted up
or down. Place your hand on the headrest height regulator
and pull while pulling the seat down with the other hand so it
does not move (9.2).
2. Place the child in the seat.
3. Pass the vehicle seat belt and buckle the vehicle seat belt until
you hear a click (fig. 9.3 and 9.4).
4 Pass the diagonal part of the belt through the diagonal belt guide
on the headrest until it is fully extended and not twisted (fig.
5. Take up the slack by pulling the abdominal section of the belt
until it is as tight-fitting as possible.