iSMA-B-W0202 User Manual
DMP263en | 1st Issue rev. 3 | 05/2022
page 15 of 41
6 Configuration
The iSMA-B-W0202 can be configured using Modbus registers or directly by USB
connection and iSMA Configurator software. The iSMA Configurator can be downloaded
. If the module is connected, it appears in the hierarchy tree
window (left part of the screen). The next step is to read module configuration using the
Read Module button or to read configuration from a file using the Load From File button.
To save changes in the module, use the Write Module button. This command writes all
parameters to the module.
6.1 Communication
The screen below shows configuration options for RS485 bus.
Figure 12. Communication options
6.2 Special Inputs
The screen below shows configuration options for special inputs.
Radio settings only take effect after the module restarting.