iSMA-B-MINI/MIX Modbus User Manual
DMP262en | 1st Issue rev. 8 | 05/2022
page 6 of 107
1 Introduction
The MINI and MIX series of I/O modules with RS485 and IP (2 Ethernet) have been
designed for building distributed control systems using MAC36, AAC20, or another
controller. Each module is equipped with the most commonly used types of I/O in
building automation. Depending on the version, the device has 18 or 38 inputs and
outputs, a mix of all types of I/O in one unit. All I/O modules
have BTL and UL certificates.
The modules with RS485 and IP (2 Ethernet) are factory-equipped with the two most
popular open communication protocols: Modbus (ASCII, RTU, TCP/IP) and BACnet (MS/TP,
IP), which are selected using DIP switches. Rotary switches are used to set the module
address, which facilitates and accelerates the process of commissioning the system. Built-
in mini USB allows for the initial configuration of the unit without external power supply.
Built-in Modbus Gateway TCP/IP to Modbus ASCII/RTU enables to connect additional
modules/devices that communicate via Modbus RS485.
Thanks to supporting open communication standards I/O modules can be installed in
both new and completed installations, as part of existing BMS. This versatile device will fit
any BMS perfectly.
Figure 1. The MINI and MIX IO modules
This user manual outlines all information specific to using I/O modules in the Modbus