Manufacturer of Quality Air Conditioning and Heating Products • • • (800)-886-2759
Performance Specifications
Packaged Terminal
Cooling Unit with Heat
Pump or Electric Heating
pArt I: specIFIcAtIons
Size Range: Cooling: 6,800 to 15,000 BTUh
Heating: 6,100 to 14,000 BTUh Heat Pump
4,400 to 17,100 BTUh Electric
pArt II: generAl
1.01 system descrIptIon
Single piece, thru-the-wall electrically controlled
unit using hermetic rotary compressor for cooling
and heat pump or electric resistance heat.
A. Insulated Wall Sleeve:
Shall be entirely constructed of galvanized, heavy-
gauge steel with an Antique Ivory powder paint
corrosion resistant finish. Wall sleeves shall be
installed through the wall as shown on plans and
shall have factory provisions for use of appropriate
fastening devices to secure sleeve to the wall. In no
event shall fasteners be installed through the base
pan in the bottom of the wall sleeve.
Wall sleeve shall provide excellent thermal insula-
tion, will have superior outdoor noise absorption
and shall be corrosion free for the life of the prod-
Wall sleeve must have dimensions of 42 in. width x
16 in. height x 14-7/8 in. depth and be shipped with
a rear weather barrier installed.
B. Outdoor Louvered Grille:
Shall be (stamped) (architectural) anodized alu-
minum as shown on plans. Louver shall be (fin-
ished natural) (painted) as shown on the schedule.
Louvers shall be easily installed from the inside of
the building after the cabinet/wall sleeve has been
installed. Special field fabricated louvers must be
approved by the PTAC manufacturer as to free area
and air circulation requirements.
Outdoor grille shall resist corrosion, breakage and
match the color specified on drawing schedule and
C. Subbase:
Subbase will support the wall sleeve when it extends
into the room more than 4 inches. Subbase must
come from the factory pre-assembled, with a built
in receptacle (size as specified on drawing schedule
and specifications) or with factory installed
hardwire, pre-sized for an exact fit to the unit.
1.02 QuAlIty AssurAnce
System shall be approved and certified by ETL.
Chassis capacity and efficiency performance shall
be tested in accordance with ARI standard 310/380.
Chassis shall meet ASHRAE Standard 90.1 for
minimum energy efficiency.
1.03 delIvery, storAge, And hAndlIng
A. The packaging of the chassis shall be sufficient to
protect the chassis from damage during shipment via an
enclosed truck.
B. Chassis, wall sleeves, and grilles shall be shipped in
separate cartons. Universal handling instructions shall
be defined and visible on the carton, from front, back
and sides.
C. Unit shall be stored and handled per manufacturer’s