User's manual
Page 10
Under-compensation. The regulator detects that some
stages should be connected and all the stages are already
Overcurrent. The measured current exceeds the rated
current by a + 20%. (Rated current is considered to be the
CT primary rated current)
Overvoltage. The measured voltage exceeds the rated
voltage by a +15%.
3.4 Alarm relay
In case that the number of stages configured in a
, is less than 6 or 12 respectively,
the relay number 6 or 12 is automatically configured as alarm relay. The relay remains connected in
absence of alarm (positive safety) and disconnects in case that one or more of the errors listed in section
3.2 occur. Notice that the absence of supply voltage will always be detected as an alarm condition. The
alarm relay has a delay of 10s in case of Over-compensation and Under-compensation, but the operation
is instantaneous (delay < 1s) in case of Over-voltage and Over-current.
3.5 Regulator status and key functions
PFC max regulators have two possible status.
Normal or RUN Status:
This is the normal working status of the regulator. In such status the device
measures and displays the cos of the loads and automatically regulates the connection and
disconnection of capacitors in order to compensate according to programmed target value. The regulation
depends on several parameters configured during the starting set-up process.
Set-up or adjustment status:
This status allows the configuration of the device. Push the key for a
time >1s to enter the set-up status mode. This will stop the automatic PF regulation, will cause the
progressive disconnection of connected stages and once disconnected will allow the set-up of the
The navigation keys have different functions depending on the regulator status.