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Security Level
Indicates the security model that this entry should belong to. Possible security
models include:
NoAuth, NoPriv
: no authentication and no privacy
Auth, NoPriv
: Authentication and no privacy
Auth, Priv
: Authentication and privacy
Read View Name
The names o f t h e M I B v i e w define the MIB objects for which this request
may request the current values. The allowed string length is1 to 32, and only
ASCII characters from 33 to 126 are allowed.
Write Vie w Name
The names o f t h e M I B v i e w defining the MIB objects for which this
request may potentially SET new values. The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and
only ASCII characters from 33 to 126 are allowed.
Add New Entry
Click to add a new access configuration.
Click to save changes.
Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.
Traffic Prioritization
Storm Control
A traffic storm occurs when packets flood the LAN, creating excessive traffic and degrading network
performance. Storm Control is a feature which monitors incoming traffic levels over a 1-second traffic
storm control interval and, during the interval, compares the traffic level with the configured traffic storm
control level. When the ingress traffic reaches the traffic storm control level that is configured on the port,
traffic storm control drops the traffic until the interval ends. [10]
There is a unicast storm, multicast storm, and a broadcast storm rate control. These only affect flooded
frames, i.e. frames with a (VLAN ID, DMAC) pair does not present on the MAC Address table.
Storm control for the switch is configured on this page. The configuration indicates the permitted packet
rate for unicast, multicast, or broadcast traffic across the switch.
Note: The Storm Control doesn't function in managed VLAN. For managed VLAN, use ACL (see 4.1.12
ACL) to limit traffic storms.
This page allows the user to configure the storm control settings for all switch ports.
There is a storm rate control for unicast frames, broadcast frames, and unknown (flooded) frames.