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Revision 10
RGB video distribution:
When operating three VDA's in a group for RGB signal distribution only the green signal will carry sync information.
The video signal from the input amplifier of the GREEN signal VDA can be sourced to the other VDA's by
rewiring links on the 'plug-in area' of the VDA's.
By rewiring the signal path to VDA outputs 9 and 10 these connectors can be used to carry the GREEN video
signal to the RED and BLUE VDA's clamp pulse generator circuitry.
On the GREEN VDA complete links LK 11 - LK 13, LK 14 - LK 15 and LK 16- LK 17.
Remove R 71 and connect a wire link between the rear pad of the R 71 position and the rear pad of the
unused R 80 position.
This will source the video to output connector 10 on the rear assembly.
On the RED and BLUE VDA's remove the link between LK 10 - LK 12,
and complete links LK 12 - LK 13, LK 14 - LK 15 and LK 16 - LK 17.
Remove R 70 and R 71 connect a wire link between the rear pads of the R 70 position, the R 71 position and
the rear pad of the R 80 position.
The external clamp reference from the GREEN VDA can be looped through from output connector 10 on the
GREEN VDA to output connectors 9 and 10 on the RED and BLUE VDA rear assemblies.
Alternately if all 10 video outputs are required the remote connector on the rear assemblies can be used to loop
the clamp reference video from the GREEN VDA to the RED and BLUE VDA's.
On the GREEN VDA complete links LK 11 - LK 13, LK 14 - LK 15 and LK 16 - LK 17.
This will source the video to the remote connector on the RB-601 rear assembly.
C 1 = ground, C 2 = signal and C 3 = ground.
On the RED and BLUE VDA's remove link between LK 10 - LK 12,
and complete links LK 12 - LK 13, LK 14 - LK 15 and LK 16 - LK 17.
The external clamp reference from the GREEN VDA can now be looped through via the remote connectors
on the three VDA rear assemblies.
Location of links & user settings
Sub-module area
(No Longer Available)
RV 1 Gain
LK 6 LK 7
LK 1
PCB 802756
PC Board Layout
Relative Position of User Settings
(Not to scale)
R 70
RV 5
LK 2 LK 5
LK 3 LK 4
LK 11 LK 13
LK 10 LK 12
LK 15 LK 17
LK 14 LK 16
R 80
R 71
RV 4
LK 8
RV 3