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SMU-4000 Installation
The SMU-4000 plug-in SNMP management controller module can only be fitted to IRT’s 4000 series modules that
are capable of being SNMP upgradeable. To determine whether a module is SNMP upgradeable, a square section
on the main PCB is silk screened and fitted with three multipin sockets – as shown below:
This is where the SMU-4000 plug-in SNMP management controller module is fitted. The three sets of multipins on
the underside of the SMU-4000 line up with the three sets of multipin sockets on the main PCB module. Align all
pins and then gently press the SMU-4000 all the way down into place.
If the SMU-4000 is not already programmed with the correct firmware to match the module that it is being plugged
into, it then needs to be programmed via the pins on the topside of the SMU-4000.
Note that installation will generally be done by IRT Electronics at the time of ordering.
Note also that an SMU-4000 will only be functionally operational when the main module that it is plugged into is
fitted into an IRT 4000 series frame fitted with a CDM-4000 SNMP agent and being interrogated by a suitable
Network Management System.
Figure 1: SMU-4000 module