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Revision 01
DDA-4010 SNMP Functions:
With the DDA-4010 installed in an IRT frame with SNMP capability, the unit can be interrogated by an SNMP
Network Management System (NMS):
- A description of the unit:
DDA-4010 1:8 or Dual 1:4 3G/HD/SD Distribution Amplifier.
- A indication of how long the unit has been running since its last power on or reset in
Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds.
- A 16 character writable system name. Default set name: DDA-4010.
- An indication of the current state of the Channel Status alarms:
(1) noAlarm: No alarms present.
(2) urgent-A: Input A is absent or does not match the set data rate.
(3) urgent-B: Input B is absent or does not match the set data rate.
(4) urgent-AB: Both input A & B are absent or do not match the set data rates.
(5) urgentA-nonUrgB: Primary input A and secondary input B are absent or do not
match the set data rate when in ChAx8 mode with automatic changeover enabled.
(6) urgentB-nonUrgA: Primary input B and secondary input A are absent or do not
match the set data rate when in ChBx8 mode with automatic changeover enabled.
(7) nonUrgent-A: Secondary input A is absent or does not match the set data rate
when in ChBx8 mode with automatic changeover enabled.
(8) nonUrgent-B: Secondary input B is absent or does not match the set data rate
when in ChAx8 mode with automatic changeover enabled.
- The current configuration setting’s source as determined by DIP switch SW2-7 position:
remoteSNMP: Configuration set remotely via SNMP (Sw2-7 = ON).
pcbSwitches: Configuration set locally via on-board DIP switches (Sw2-7 = OFF).
- The current distribution mode setting as a single 1x8, or dual 1x4 distribution amplifier:
chAx4-chBx4: Dual 1x4 DA. IN A → OUT 1A to OUT 4A; IN B → OUT 1B to OUT 4B.
chAx8: Single 1x8 DA, IN A primary input. IN A → OUT 1A to OUT 4A & OUT 1B to OUT 4B.
chBx8: Single 1x8 DA, IN B primary input. IN B → OUT 1B to OUT 4B & OUT 1A to OUT 4A.
- Enable or Disable Automatic Changeover to switch outputs from primary to secondary
input on loss of valid primary input (if secondary input is both present and valid):
disabled: Automatic Changeover mode disabled.
enabled: Automatic Changeover mode enabled.
- Information and control of the inputs in table form.
- Information and control of the separate individual inputs.
- An indication of the channel designator:
chA: Channel designator A (IN A).
chB: Channel designator B (IN B).
- An indication of the input signal rate:
unknownPresent: Input signal rate is not one of the 3G/HD/SD-SDI/ASI rates, or
is not being detected by the on-board reclocker
sdiSD-ASI Present: Input signal is either an SD-SDI or ASI signal, or at 270 Mb/s rate.
sdiHD Present: Input signal is either an HD-SDI signal, or at 1.485 Gb/s rate.
sdi3G Present: Input signal is either an 3G-SDI signal, or at 2.97 Gb/s rate.
notPresent: no signal is present at the input.
- An indication of which input is feeding the outputs:
inputA: Input A is feeding the outputs.
inputB: Input B is feeding the outputs.
muted: Outputs are muted. No input signal is feeding the outputs.
Whilst in either the chAx8 or chBx8 modes, with ‘autoChangeOver’ mode disabled, if a signal
is applied to the secondary input, SNMP ‘inputStatus’ is reported as ‘unknownPresent’. This is
because the secondary on-board reclocker chip is being used by the primary input to drive the
second front panel BNC monitor port. The correct rate is reported via SNMP ‘inputStatus’
when the ‘autoChangeOver’ mode is enabled as the secondary on-board reclocker chip is now
being used by the secondary input to drive its own relevant front panel BNC monitor port.