Information Displayed When Operating
With the Function Switch set to RUN, each Dial setting shows:
No Program Running – Automatic Mode
The current time with a flashing colon (:) is displayed. If
the entire display is flashing, the controller has just been
plugged in or there has been a power outage and no
battery power was available during the outage. To stop
the flashing, press the + or - Buttons. If the colon is steady
and not flashing, the controller is using battery power.
Program Running – Automatic Mode or Manual Program
Start shows the current time and all active valves running.
Turn the Dial to an active valve to display the Program
which activated the valve, and the remaining run time. If
you turn the Dial to a valve that is not running, it will show
“OFF” even though time may be scheduled on a program.
Manual Valve Running
With the Dial pointing to the appropriate valve, the display
shows “M” for MANUAL, the valve number, and the time
remaining for the valve to run.
Short Circuit – Your Rain Dial Plus controller will detect a
short or an excessive total electrical load, automatically
advancing to the next valve with scheduled run time.
When the cycle is over, the display flashes “FUS” and
shows the valve number.
Rain Sensor – If automatic operation is suspended by the
rain sensor, “SEN” will flash on the display in all dial
positions. The “SEN” display can be disabled for two
minutes by pressing the + or - Button, however this will not
allow automatic watering operation. Manual operation is
not inhibited by the rain sensor. When the sensor
is no longer activated and automatic operation
has resumed, “SEN” will no longer be displayed.
What the Display Means continued...