For further details regarding the Super Bench, operation, use with accessories, tutorials and
video links, please visit our website at
First, locate the Pull pin at the front of
the frame under the main bench pad.
To operate, turn the pin counter clock-
wise until you are able to pull the pin
against the spring (note if you contin-
ue to turn, the entire Pull pin assembly
will come out of the Super Bench
It is recommended to unthread the pin
once or twice to familiarize yourself
with how many turns it takes to disen-
gage the threads but keep the pull pin
barrel inside the frame before using
any accessories.
When used correctly, the barrel
should just be flush with the inside of
the Super Bench tube which will free
the Pull Pin spring.
Although the pull pin is
spring loaded and a positive lock, it is
nevertheless recommended that the
pull pin be tightened firmly while any
accessories are being used with the
Super Bench.
Using the Super Bench with accessories:
The Ironmaster Superbench is designed to accommodate an array of accessories (Note only Ironmaster accessories
are to be used with the Super Bench). Located at the front of the Super Bench is a pull pin, which is both spring load-
ed and threaded for additional safety/positive locking.
Never under any circumstances use any of the Super Bench accessories with either a faulty or missing
pull pin in conjunction with the Super Bench. Serious injury could occur.
If the Pull pin fails to operate correctly or for any reason, fails to locate properly with the Ironmaster accessory,
discontinue use and contact your nearest dealer.
Specific installation instructions for the various Ironmaster accessories can be found in the User manuals provided
with each Ironmaster accessory.
Locate Pull pin
at the front of
the frame
Pull pin prior to use
Pull pin unscrewed and in ready to
operate position. Note threads are
now flush with wall of tube.
Pull head of Pull pin to allow the
accessories to be installed as
Install the accessory into the main
tube until you hear an audible ‘click’
as the Pull pin barrel locks the ac-
cessory into position.
Once the accessory is located, re-
tighten the Pull pin by turning clock-
wise until snug as shown left.