Chapter 2: How to Open Roomba / Replace Frame
To service and maintain your Roomba Discovery 4XXX/4XX series, you will need to be
able to open and close the robot’s frame. The Discovery Series Roomba has two main parts
that need to be loosened and removed to gain access to its insides. These two parts are the
robot’s front bumper, and top frame cover. This also doubles as a guide on how to replace your
front bumper and/or top cover. The Discovery Series Roombas are those pictured below:
Please note that if your Roomba is under warranty, servicing the robot will void the
warranty. For robots under warranty, please consult the warranty policy of the distributor where
purchased, and/or contact iRobot’s customer service.
2.1 Front Unit
Removal and Assembly of the Front Bumper
Removal Phase
Unscrew the screws (A)
Screws (A)