The Model 600 Ultra will operate equally well in sev-
eral configurations: flame rod only, flame rod with igni-
tion coil, and flame rod with ignition transformer. (It will
also operate with both an ignition coil and an ignition
The wiring for the flame rod only is shown in Figure 2;
it connects to the ROD/COIL pin on the controller.
If the ignition command is applied without the ignition
coil present, the voltage to the flame rod is not affected.
The pulsing of the ignition coil is done from the COIL
TAP pin of the controller.
The wiring of the ignition coil is shown in Figure 2. Pin
C for the coil is usually connected to ground in the igni-
tor assembly; this ground connection is not necessary
for coil operation. The flame rod operates through the
ignition coil when the ignition coil is not being pulsed.
When an ignition command is present, with every pulse
to the coil a strong spark is emitted from the coil tip
through the flame rod to ground. The pulse rate will be
the same as the line frequency, 50 or 60 pulses per
second. The air gap between the flame rod and ground
should be 2 to 3 mm. The nominal arc voltage is 7,000V.
If the gap is very large, there will be no arc when the
coil is pulsed. Such pulsing will not be damaging to the
coil. The peak voltage at the coil tip when no arc re-
sults will not exceed 11,000V.
When the ignition command is applied the AC power to
an ignition transformer is turned on by a DPST relay.
See Figure 2. The controller is normally shipped with
two .5 A fuses installed. If an ignition transformer is to be
used, the two 5 A fuses supplied in a small bag with the
controller must be installed in the controller. Remove the
three black screws on each side of the controller, lift off
the top assembly, unplug the two .5 A fuses, plug in the
two 5 A fuses, and reassemble the controller.
Six numeric LED digits arranged vertically provide a
graphic visual display of the flame signal. If the Flame
Rod is connected and the AC power is on (green
POWER LED will be on) and there is no flame signal,
none of the numeric digits will be on. With a weak
flame signal, either the “1” or “2” digits will be on but
the Flame Relay will be off. A stronger signal will be
indicated by “3” or a higher digit turning on; with this
stronger signal the Flame Relay will be turned on.
In normal operation when the flame is present the “5”
or “6” digits should be on with, perhaps, digit “4” turn-
ing on occasionally.
If the “3” or “4” digits are on most of the time, the gain
should be increased by moving P2 to a higher gain posi-
tion. If the “6” digit is on steadily, the gain is probably
set too high; move the P2 plug to a lower gain position.
If the LED for ROD FOULED is on, the Model 600
controller will continue to operate, but this is a warning
that a small amount of AC current is flowing from the
flame rod to ground. This means that the flame rod or
its mount probably needs cleaning.
If the fouling gets to be significant, approaching the point
where the flame signal could be affected, the LED for
ROD FAULT will turn on, causing the flame relay to
open. This fault condition will be removed as soon as
the fouling is sufficiently reduced.
For further information contact:
Sales and Applications:
7583 Vantage Place
Delta, BC, Canada V4G 1A5
Ph. 800-667-IRIS, FAX 604-581-9790
email: [email protected]
Manufacturing and Service:
IRIS SYSTEMS INC. (JB Systems, Inc.)
4944 - 113th Avenue North
Clearwater, FL 33760
Ph. 727-545-3900, FAX 727-547-9589