W i r e l e s s B r o a d b a n d M o d e m U s e r G u i d e
3 8
Error Message
Recovery Action
Loss of coverage –
please improve
modem signal
The modem can no longer
communicate with the
wireless network.
This may be caused by one
of the following:
1) The modem has moved
out of range of the wireless
2) The wireless network may
have developed a fault or
may have been switched off
The modem will automatically try
and regain radio coverage/
synchronization with the wireless
If the modem has moved out of the
wireless network range it must be
brought back into range.
Once radio coverage/
synchronization has been re-
gained session establishment can
be attempted.
SIM failure – please
contact service
This only affects modems
that have a SIM card
The modem is having
problems accessing the SIM
Perform the following steps:
a) Carefully remove the SIM card
from the modem
b) Clean the SIM card’s gold
contacts with a soft cloth
c) Re-insert the SIM card into the
modem ensuring that the SIM card
holder is securely fastened
d) Power cycle the modem using
the front panel button
e) Establish a session in the
normal manner
If the problem persists contact
your service provider’s technical
support for assistance.