I P Wi r e l e s s B r o a d b a n d M o d e m U s e r G u i d e
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Access Network Parameters
- The current version of the IPWireless PC
Software only supports ipwireless.com as the network operator. This is shown in
the drop down list. The other two parameters are the user access name and
access password. These parameters are set automatically during the
registration procedure, and the user should have no need to modify them
Signal Strength
- shows the level of the radio signal strength currently achieved
by the IPWireless Broadband Modem. Zero indicates poor signal strength while
100 indicates a strong signal.
Battery Charge
- The IPWireless Broadband Modem comes with an internal
battery. The scaling shows zero representing no battery power while 100
indicates a fully charged battery. See Appendix B for more information on the
Battery Status
– the following icons are used as follows:-
modem currently battery powered
mains powered, external battery fitted and charging internal or
mains powered and charging internal battery
modem currently powered by internal battery
modem currently powered by internal battery, external fitted
modem currently powered by external battery
ISP Tab –
This tab shows the username and password information that is sent to your
Internet Service Provider (ISP) during the connection procedure.