I P Wi r e l e s s B r o a d b a n d M o d e m U s e r G u i d e
1 4
4. The IPWireless Broadband Modem will ‘search’ for a base station, in a
manner similar to a cellular phone. When the modem is searching, the four
outside spirals in the center of the display will illuminate in a clockwise
direction. Each spiral will illuminate for one second on and three seconds off
during the base station search process.
5. Observe the five signal indicators (rings) on the inner center of the
IPWireless Broadband Modem display to help you determine when the
IPWireless Broadband Modem has located a radio signal. Adjust the position
of the IPWireless Broadband Modem until the center ring is illuminated. This
is similar to moving an FM radio to receive the best sound quality. When the
center ring (or dot) is illuminated, you have the minimum signal strength
required to transmit and receive data. Each subsequent ring indicates
increasing signal strength. When all five rings are illuminated, you can
transfer data at the maximum speed of the IPWireless Broadband Modem,
or at the service level you selected. See Figure 4 below.
Figure 4
3. Continue to adjust the position of the IPWireless Broadband Modem to
achieve the strongest radio signal possible from your location.
T ip:
the IPWireless Broadband Modem near a window can boost the signal
4. If only one or two signal strength indicators illuminate, refer to the
troubleshooting section in Appendix A.
You are now ready to install the IPWireless PC Software.
Install the
IPWireless PC Software before connecting the Computer Interface Cable.
Center Ring (or dot)