This ZigBee device is a wireless receiver that communicates
with a variety of ZigBee compatible systems. This receiver
receives and is controlled by wireless radio signals from the
compatible ZigBee system.
Step 1:
Remove the device from previous ZigBee network if it has
already been added to, otherwise pairing will fail. Please refer to the
part "Factory Reset Manually".
Step 2:
From your ZigBee Controller or hub interface, choose to add
lighting device and enter Pairing mode as instructed by the controller.
1.ZigBee Network Pairing through Coordinator or Hub
(Added to a ZigBee Network)
2.TouchLink to a Zigbee Remote
Step 3:
Double Press the
“Reset” button to activate the
network paring mode(The
blue indicator light is flashing),
network pairing mode will last
for 15minutes once timeout
repeat this step
Step 4:
The Blue indicator
will stop flashing and solid
on for 10s then the device
will appear in your
controller's menu and can
be controlled through
controller or hub
Step 1:
Short press “Reset" button 4 times.
Step 3:
Bring the remote or
touch panel within 10 cm of
the lighting device.
Step 4:
Set the remote or
touch panel into Touchlink
comissioning, please refer to
corresponding remote or
touch panel manual to learn
Step 2:
The Green indicator will start
flashing to show that the device is in
touchlink commissioning.
180s timeout
repeat this step.
Step 5:
The connecting lights will start flashing to indicate the pairing
processing. Once paired both the connecting lights and the green
indicator light will stop flashing and you can control the lights by the
Note :
1) Directly Touchlink(both not added to a Zigbee network),each device can link
with 1 remote.
2) Touchlink after both added to a Zigbee network, each device can link with
max.30 remotes.
3) For Hue Bridge & Amazon Echo Plus , add remote and device to network first
then Touchlink.
4) After Touchlink,the device can be controlled by the linked remotes.