Unpack the Signcutter
Warning: Do not lift the signcutter by the plastic end covers, the dust
cover, or the carriage rail. This may permanently damage the sign-
cutter. Use the bottom surfaces of the signcutter to lift or move it.
Carefully remove the signcutter from the box and place it on a flat-stable
surface. This procedure requires two people. Save all packing materials and
the box. Check the packing list to ensure that all of the accessories are present.
Assemble the Stand or Cradle (if Included)
If the signcutter was purchased with a stand or cradle, the assembly directions
and hardware are included in the accessory kit. Assemble the stand or cradle
and attach the signcutter according to the directions before attempting to plot.
Attach the Signcutter
Attach the signcutter to the stand (see above), cradle or feet depending on the
model configuration. The directions are included in the accessory kit. If using
a stand, make sure that the media rollers are properly installed and that the
signcutter is facing the correct direction.
Prepare the Area
Prepare a large clean area to work. Make sure the floor is clean and clear of
any obstacles. Pull the signcutter away from the wall so the material can move
Connect the Signcutter to the Computer
Note: Make sure the computer and the signcutter have the power
turned off. Ioline recommends using a surge protector power strip
for the sign cutter and the computer.
Connect the signcutter to the computer with either a parallel or a serial cable.
A parallel cable is provided in the accessory kit. Standard serial cables are
available at a computer store or from Ioline if it is necessary to connect the
signcutter to a serial port on the computer. A serial connection to the signcut-
ter is required with Windows 3.1 or DOS based software.
The parallel port receptacle on the computer is a 25 pin female receptacle.
The serial port is either a 9 pin or 25 pin male receptacle. If the computer has
a 9 pin serial port, a 9 to 25 pin adapter is necessary. Adaptors are inexpensive
and available at computer stores or can be ordered from Ioline. The plotter
will not function if a serial cable is connected to a parallel port.
Select the correct port in the design software or the Control Center after the
cables are correctly connected to the computer and signcutter. Consult the
design software manual or the dealer for further information.
Important Notes:
1. Always turn off the power to both the computer and the machine
before connecting any cables. This will protect the equipment and
reset the signcutter if changing between parallel and serial com-
2. If connected to a parallel port, an LPT port designation (i.e. LPT 1,
LPT 2, etc.) must be selected. If connected to a serial port, a COM
port designation (i.e. COM 1, COM 2, etc.) must be selected. The
choice of a port for the signcutter will depend on the ports being
used by other devices on the computer. Consult with the dealer if a
port is not available.
Power On
Turn on the computer and the signcutter to make sure they work. The signcut-
ter power switch is located next to the power cord on the back. The carriage
will move toward the keypad side of the machine when the power is turned
on. Keep hands and loose clothing away from all moving parts of the signcut-
ter. The red LED on the front panel will light when the start-up process is
Installing the Ioline Control Center
The Control Center is an interface for adjusting parameters to optimize cutter
performance. The signcutter comes with a CD-ROM which has the Microsoft
95, 98 and NT (3.51 or greater) version of the Ioline Control Cen-
ter program.
1. Turn on the power to the computer and start Windows
2. Insert the Ioline CD ROM into the CD ROM drive (usually D:)
3. Select the Start button.
4. Choose Run.
5. Type D:\SETUP (substitute the correct letter if the CD ROM drive letter is
not D:) and Click OK.
6. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
7. Consult the Operation chapter of this manual for details on using the
Ioline Control Center software.