Testing the Signcutter Serial Port
The diagnostic module is required for this test.
1. Connect the diagnostic module directly to the signcutter COM port.
2. From the Control Center main menu, select Test, Plotter Port Test.
3. Turn on the signcutter while holding down the Test Cut key on the key-
pad. Hold down the Test Cut key until the signcutter beeps and the light
flashes three times. The signcutter is now in Test Mode.
4. Press any Arrow key on the keypad to transmit and receive characters.
Verify that the signcutter beeps.
5. Turn off the signcutter at the end of the test. This will exit Test Mode. If
this test fails, the signcutter port is faulty.
Testing the Computer Serial Port
The diagnostic module is required for this test.
1. Connect the diagnostic module directly to the COM port on the computer.
If the computer COM port has a nine pin connector, use a 9 pin to 25 pin
adapter between the COM port and diagnostic module.
2. From the Control Center main menu, select Test, Computer Port Test.
3. Verify that the COM port selected is the correct one. If it is not, select the
proper COM Port.
4. Verify the CTS handshake line is on.
5. Press any key on the computer keyboard and verify that the character
transmitted equals the character received.
6. Select the Exit button at the end of the test. This will exit Test Mode. If
this test fails, the computer port is faulty.
There are three communication diagnostic tests available in the Control Cen-
ter. These tests are designed to help determine if a communication problem
exists and to isolate where the problem is occurring.
A diagnostic module is required to run two of these tests. It will work on both
the computer and signcutter serial (COM) ports. It is available from Ioline or
an authorized dealer.
Communication Test
This test will determine if communication is working between the computer
and the plotter on the parallel (LPT) or serial (COM) ports. Run this test from
the Control Center, Test menu. The diagnostic module is not required to run
this test.
1. Turn the plotter off. Connect the plotter to the computer with either a
serial or parallel port cable. See the section Connect the Signcutter to the
Computer in the Installation chapter for more details.
2. Start the Ioline Control Center. Select Test, Communication Test from
the menu bar at the top of the window.
3. Turn on the signcutter while holding down the Test Cut key on the key-
pad. Hold down the Test Cut key until the signcutter beeps and the light
flashes three times. The signcutter is now in Test Mode.
4. If testing the serial (COM) port, press the Start/Stop key on the signcut-
ter and verify that the handshake line (CTS) status displayed on the com-
puter screen toggles On/Off. Leave the handshake line On. This is not
necessary for the parallel (LPT) port.
5. Press the Repeat key to switch the signcutter into Echo mode. The green
light will come on.
6. Press a key on the computer and verify that the character transmitted
equals the character received. If the characters match then the connection
between the signcutter and computer is working properly.
7. Select Exit after the communication test is complete.
8. Turn off the signcutter at the end of the test. This will exit Test Mode.
9. The next two tests are not necessary if serial (COM) port testing is suc-