with Formula
TRE Powered Seating
Power Wheelchair
with Formula
TRE Powered Seating
Formula Power Tilt
The Formula Tilt enhances comfort through independent posi-
tioning with optimal pressure relief. Drive lock-out
is achieved at 20˚ of tilt for safety.
Formula Power Recline
Utilizing a simplified one actuator design, the Formula
Recline system has three inches of mechanical shear
reduction for independent positioning and pressure relief.
Formula Power Tilt and Recline
The Formula Tilt and Recline system combines the pressure
relief and positioning benefits of both tilt and recline.
Formula Power Tilt.
Formula Power Recline.
Formula Power Tilt and Recline.
Tilt range of 0
- 55
or 5
- 60
Recline range of 170
18" seat-to-floor height
Conventional or Contoura
300 lb. or 400 lb. weight
capacity (base dependent)
Mechanical shear reduction of
3" is based on a t-slot channel
design for interfacing of after-
market custom backs, while
maintaining shear reduction
Power elevating legrests and
ventilator tray can be added
at any time
Tilt range of 0
- 55
or 5
- 60
18" seat-to-floor height
Conventional or Contoura
300 lb. or 400 lb. weight
capacity (base dependent)
Standard with round canes on
Conventional seating
Recline range of 170
18" seat-to-floor height
Conventional or Contoura
300 lb. or 400 lb. weight
capacity (base dependent)
Mechanical shear reduction of
3" is based on a t-slot channel
design for interfacing of after-
market custom backs, while
maintaining shear reduction
Power elevating legrests and
ventilator tray can be added
at any time
Invacare’s Formula TRE powered seating system, available on the TDX, raises Invacare’s powered seating systems to a new level by
offering Tilt, Recline, Tilt/Recline, and also the option of Elevate, Tilt/Elevate, and Tilt/ Recline/ Elevate. The TRE was engineered to inte-
grate seamlessly onto the most revolutionary base from Invacare–the TDX.