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You can try your Felix-8720 right away just as it is. We’ve selected the
slim-tubing that works the best for most people and encourage you to
try this size first. You will find size 1A Left and Right slim-tubing inside
the green case, attached to the bag your Felix-8720 is in.
We have included an additional size slim-tubing to try if the size 1A
does not fit properly.
Extra slim-tubing for Men:
Extra slim-tubing for Women:
Size 2A Left and size 2A Right
Size 0A Left and size 0A Right
It’s important for the slim-tubing to fit correctly:
slim-tubing should
fit snugly against your ear once the Felix-8720 and eartip are in place.
If not, the slim-tubing may be too short or too long. Try a different
slim-tubing length.
Slim-tubing sizes/lengths:
There are four sizes of slim-tubing
available for the right and left ear.
Right slim-tubing: 0A R, 1A R, 2A R, 3A R
Left slim-tubing: 0A L, 1A L, 2A L, 3A L
Picturing Left ear slim-tubing: 3A, 2A, 1A, 0A
Slim Tube Choices
How to REMOVE the slim-tubing from the Felix-8720:
Grasp the thicker base of the slim-tubing near the top
of the hearing aid and twist the tubing 900 to the left
or right. Then pull the thicker base of the tubing away
from the Felix-8720.
How to ATTACH the slim-tubing to the Felix-8720:
Line up the top of the Felix-8720 and the thicker tubing
base and gently push the end of the slim-tube onto
the hearing aid until it snaps into position.
Attention: Please make sure eartips and slim-tubing are securely
attached before using so they do not come off in your ear.
For optimal performance of your Felix-8720, replace the slim-tubing as
needed, if damaged or worn.
Removing & Attaching Slim Tube