This option adjusts the compression of the JPEG picture Use the “UP /
DOWN” buttons to select “QUALITY”, and press “OK” button to enter into the setting
There are SUPER FINE/FINE/NORMAL/ After selection, press “OK button” to confirm,
then press “MENU” button twice to return to main screen
This option adjusts the resolution of the picture between 3-12 megapixel Use the
“UP / DOWN” buttons to select “SIZE”, and press “OK button” to enter into the setting
There are 12MP / 8MP / 5MP / 3MP After selection, press “OK button” to confirm, then
press MENU button twice to return to main screen
use the “UP / DOWN” buttons to select “SELF CAPTURE”, and press
“OK button” to enter into the setting There are OFF and ON After selection, press “OK
button” to confirm, then press MENU button twice to return to main screen