AirMaid® 500 W Ozone Generator User Manual
Illustration 2: Wall part of the wall
mounting bracket
Illustration 3: Generator wall
mounting bracket
Illustration 4: Locking pin
It is important to remember that the ambient temperature may not exceed 40°C. Make sure that the inlet
air is as clean as possible to minimise the service intervals. The generator must be placed at a high location,
close to fresh air inlet if such is available. The generator must be installed according to illustration 1.
1. The generator must be placed on a level surface, preferably at 2 metres above the floor. This is so
because ozone is heavier than air and spreads better in the room that has to be treated.
2. If a level surface is not available, a lockable wall mounting bracket can be used. The lockable wall
mounting bracket is attached to the wall part of the mounting bracket with the help of 4 screws in
the wall (see illustration 2).
3. Attach the wall mounting bracket of the generator (see illustration 3) with the supplied screws.
(If you have ordered the generator and the wall mounting bracket at the same time, the mounting
bracket will be preassembled).
4. Hang up the generator on the wall mounting bracket and drive the locking pin (illustration 4) through
the hole in both attachments behind the generator (illustration 5). A padlock is not supplied.
Mounting flange Ø100 mm (optional).
Install the flange on the inlet or outlet of the generator by fastening it with the screws of the housing.
Illustration 1
Illustration 5: Shows the assembled parts
The ozone generator in the illustration is equipped with a wall mounting bracket.