Trend Wide:
Trend displays the data in numerical format along with a chart containing a bar or line
graph. (see 15I & 15J to make changes to the chart seLngs). Wide sets the meter to landscape mode.
For mapping /recording results based on pre-programmed loca ons.
Light Stack:
Light stack fills the majority of the display with a color indicator. Red for error, yellow as a
warning and green for all is well.
Note: for error message “Light Stack is not configured” see sec on 15K for set up.
Used for eff candela and other pulsed light applica ons
requires use of MEMS880 Spectro head, Coming soon.
provides integrated irradiance and a graphical profile of pulsed/flashing sources
13. Display Content and Controls:
13A. Indicator Line:
Indicates which program is running, ie. Meter Tall, and
the ba3ery life condi on in percentage.
13B. Display content: The content note, located above the display, indicates
which display units have been selected by the display units bu3on, followed
by the units of calibra on and on the far right is the seLngs access icon
13C. Resolu on Adjustment:
The Left button ←.000 increases the
number of digits shown in the numerical display the right bu3on →.00
decreases the number of digits
13D. Display Graph:
In trend, the graph displays the average light level
since the last reading. The graph con nues to update even when Hold is
pressed. Graph can be set to update as fast as .1 seconds or as slow as
once per hour.
Note: See
see 15I & 15J for seLng bar or line graph.
14. Feature Bu(ons:
14A. Display Units: Toggles between the available fields; Current (output
in amps),
Op cal Density:
compares the incoming signal to the saved 100% reading
to provide an OD between 1 and 4,
compares the incoming signal to the saved 100% reading to
provide a reading of % transmission.
Light Level:
converts the incoming current from the sensor to calibrated
readings in appropriate units such as lux, fc, W/cm2, Wa3s etc . Based on
the user selected calibra on factor. (see 15B for selec ng calibra on
factors and 15P for adding/programming calibra on factors.)
14B. Zero:
Takes a reading in amps and subtracts that current value from
all future readings. Any value below the stored value will be shown as a
Zero reading. When measuring small light or current levels, it is a good
prac ce to zero in the environment of the tes ng and perform period zero valida on or re-zero when
the condi ons in the environment fluctuate(temperature, noise, ambient ligh ng)
14C. Integrate:
Is used to measure dosage or exposure. When toggled on, the ILT2500 will take the
present reading and add it to the previous value, once per second, crea ng a sum of light
measurements over me. When in integrate mode the units of the readings change to include
*seconds. For example, Lux becomes lux*seconds, W/cm2 becomes W/cm2*seconds or J/cm2,
W/m2 becomes J/m2.
14D. Hold:
Freezes the value on the numerical display(not the graph) to allow manual recording.
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