Intermec EasyCoder 501 E – Installation & Operation Ed. 1
Chapter 9 Intermec Shell Startup Program
In Intermec Shell, the menus present the option in infi nite loops,
To see all the menus and options, refer to the overview later in
this chapter.
Select Application
The Select application lets you choose an application program that
resides in the printer’s memory.
Note that after having selected an application, you must wait for
the printer to restart and perform the 5 seconds countdown before
the selected application is opened.
• Current appl. starts the last selected application (by default
Intermec Fingerprint with "uart1:" selected as standard I/O
• LabelShop selects the standard serial interface "uart1:" as
standard IN/OUT channel and sets up the printer for the various
versions of the Intermec LabelShop label design program for MS
Windows. Refer to the Intermec LabelShop manuals.
• Windows Driver selects the optional parallel interface
"centronics:" as standard IN/OUT channel..
• Fingerprint is used to create, modify, or run programs written
in the Intermec Fingerprint programming language and to run
the Intermec InterDriver. This option requires that you also
select a standard IN/OUT channel, which is the channel you
want to use for communication between the printer and the
computer. Normally, you select "uart1:". Refer to the Intermec
Fingerprint manuals.
• Direct Protocol is an easy-to-use printer protocol for downloading
label formats and variable input data to a printer from a host
computer. This option requires that you also select a standard
IN/OUT channel, that is, the serial channel you want to use
for communication between the printer and the host. Normally,
you select "uart1:". Refer to the Intermec Direct Protocol v6.13,
Programmer’s Guide.
• LINE-ALY.PRG (Line Analyzer) is a Fingerprint program
that captures characters received by the printer on a specifi ed
communication channel and prints them on labels. (See later
in this chapter.)
• Other Application Programs
If the printer contains any other application programs, standard or
custom-made, these will presented as additional options.
Starting with Inter-
mec Shell, cont.
When an application program
is started, it may automatically
change the communication setup.
For example, Intermec LabelShop
changes the setup to the following
Baud rate: 57600
Parity: None
Char. length: 8
Stopbits: 1
RTS/CTS: Enable
ENQ/ACK: Disable
XON/XOFF to host: Disable
XON/XOFF from host: Disable
New line: CR/LF
Receive buffer: 600
Transmit buffer: 600
If another application is selected
later, this communication setup
will remain valid, unless the new
application includes instructions
that automatically change the setup.
The setup could also be changed
manually in the Setup Mode.