Testing Communication
Communication between your system, the central monitor-
ing station and your pager should be tested at least once
per week to make sure you have the proper telephone con-
To perform a phone test:
Open the panel cover.
Enter the master access code.
Press the Test button twice. The panel will announce
Phone test, press again to change or done to select.
Press the DONE button.
The panel will announce Phone test is on twice. If the test
is successful the panel will announce Phone test ok within
3 minutes. The panel will announce Phone test is on three
times if you have a pager. If the phone test to the pager was
successful, your pager will display -101-101. If the test is
unsuccessful, the SYSTEM STATUS button will light and
within 10 minutes the panel will announce Phone commu-
nication failure. If a phone test fails, call your security sys-
tem dealer.
If your system is not connected to a central monitor-
ing station and you don’t use a pager, you won’t be
able to perform the phone test.
Setting the Clock
If the panel loses power, the clock must be set. The default
setting is 12 hour mode. Your installer can set the clock to
24 hour mode if you wish.
Open the panel cover. Panel announces, Use num-
bered keys to enter ID.
Enter the master access code. Panel announces,
Please select from Start Menu.
Press Clock Set from the Start Menu. Panel
announces, Time is ****, to change press hours and
minutes, then press done.
Follow the arrow from the Clock Set button to the
Hours keys.
Press the Hours +/
keys and listen to the voice
prompts. Stop when panel voice announces the correct
Press the Minutes +/
keys and listen to the voice
prompts. Stop when the panel announces the correct
Press Done. The panel will announce the set time.
Close the cover.
Alarm System Limitations
Not even the most advanced alarm system can guarantee
protection against burglary, fire, or environmental prob-
All alarm systems are subject to possible compromise or
failure-to-warn for a variety of reasons.
If sirens are not placed within hearing range of per-
sons sleeping, in remote parts of the premises, or if
they are placed behind doors or other obstacles.
If intruders gain access through unprotected points of
entry or areas where sensors have been bypassed.
If intruders have the technical means of bypassing,
jamming, or disconnecting all or part of the system.
If power to sensors is inadequate or disconnected.
If freeze or any environmental sensors are not located
in areas where the appropriate condition can be
If smoke does not reach a Smoke Sensor. For exam-
ple, Smoke Sensors cannot detect smoke in chimneys,
walls, roofs, or smoke blocked by a closed door. Sen-
sors may not detect smoke in other levels of the build-
ing. Sensors may not warn in time when fires are
caused by smoking in bed, explosions, improper stor-
age of flammables, overloaded electrical circuits, or
other hazardous conditions.
Testing Sensors
Do This
Open the secured door or window.
Freeze Sensor
Apply ice to the sensor. Do not allow
the sensor to get wet.
Water Sensor
Press a wet rag or wet finger over both
of the round, gold-plated terminals on
the underside of the sensor.
Unplug the CO Alarm. Plug it back in,
then press the TEST/RESET button
until the unit beeps 8 times.
Glass Guard
Tap the glass 3 or 4 inches from the
Motion Sensor
Avoid the Motion Sensor’s view for 5
minutes, then enter its view.
Heat Detector
Rub your hands together until warm,
then place one hand on the detector for
30 seconds.
Shock Sensor
Tap the glass twice, away from the
sensor. Wait at least 30 seconds before
testing again.
Smoke Sensor
Press and hold the test button until the
system sounds transmission beeps.
Wireless Panic
Press and hold the appropriate panic
button(s) for 3 seconds.
Press and hold LOCK and UNLOCK
simultaneously for 3 seconds.
Press and hold the 2 EMERGENCY
buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.
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