General Cleaning
Use nonabrasive soap and water when possible.
Review cleaner’s label instructions before applying to acrylic surface.
Avoid harsh chemicals and disinfectants.
You may safely use: *
Spic & Span Powder
Mr. Clean
Formula 409
Liquid Comet
Glass Plus
Soft Scrub
Calgon Bath Oil Beads
Do not use:
Lysol Disinfectant Spray
Dow Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner
2. Scratches
, abrasions, etc
Abrasions and scratches may be removed and original gloss fully restored using the
following materials. *
Novus plastic polish (Novus, Inc.)
Mirror Glaze Professional Formula #17 (Mirror Bright Polish Co., Irvine, CA)
Permatex Plastic Cleaner #403D (Permatex Co., Kansas City, KS)
“J-Wax” or “Kit” Automotive Cleaner/Waxes (S.C. Johnson & Son)
DuPont or Turtlewax “White Polish” automotive polishing compound.
Light Scratches
Very light scratches, scuff marks and haze can be hand polished with Permatex
Plastic Cleaner or Gel-Gloss. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Clean cotton cloth works
best for applying the polish and buffing. *
*These suggestions and data based on information we believe to be reliable, from our acrylic manufacturer. They are offered in
good faith, but without guarantee, as conditions and methods of use and procedures are beyond our control.