User Manual | CMR-6100
13 Intelleflex Confidential
Figure 3.6-1 Tag EPC Read from Tag Memory Management Page
By Selecting the EPC Memory Bank and an Offset of 2 with a length of 12 bytes, the CMR-6100 will read
the EPC data that is stored in the tag. All of user memory can also be read and written to in the same
way that the EPC memory was accessed here.
GPIO Testing and Verification Page
The GPIO Testing page enables the CMR-6100 to either set or detect the logic levels of the general
purpose inputs or outputs. See Section 2.5 for more information about the
Figure 3.7-1 GPIO Test and Verification Webpage
WAN Setup
Depending on the SIM card installed, different APN information will be required. Please consult
Intelleflex Support for addition information or support.