Intel® PRO/Wireless 5000 LAN Products
User Documentation
In addition to this Quick Installation Guide, Intel provides additional
documentation for PRO/Wireless 5000 LAN products on the Intel CD-ROM in
HTML format. This documentation is viewable with Microsoft Internet
Explorer version 4.0 or later or Netscape Navigator version 4.0 or later.
To access the online documentation, insert the Intel CD-ROM and wait for
the Intel® PRO Network Connections menu screen to display. On the menu
screen, click View User Guides. On the Intel® Network Products User
Information screen, click PRO/Wireless 5000 LAN Adapter or PRO/Wireless
5000 Access Point to display the user guide for each product. If the PRO
Network Connections menu screen does not display, run the program
from the Intel CD-ROM.
Products Covered in This Guide
Installation information is provided in this Quick Installation Guide for the
following Intel® PRO/Wireless LAN products:
PRO/Wireless LAN Access Points
Model WDAP5000
- dual-function access point supporting both 802.11a
and 802.11b wireless networks
Model WSAP5000
- single-function access point supporting 802.11a
wireless networks; upgradeable to dual function with the addition of
802.11b hardware
Model WSAP2000
- single-function access point supporting 802.11b
wireless networks; upgradeable to dual function with the addition of
802.11a hardware
PRO/Wireless 5000 LAN CardBus Adapter
Model WCB5000
- 802.11a CardBus PC Card client adapter
PRO/Wireless 5000 LAN PCI Adapter
Model WPCI5000
- 802.11a PCI client adapter