Intel® Server Board S1200BT TPS
Platform Management
Revision 1.0
Intel order number G13326-003
A list of data that may be captured using this feature includes but is not limited to:
Platform sensor readings
– This includes all ―readable‖ sensors that can be accessed
by the Integrated BMC firmware and have associated SDRs populated in the SDR
This does not include any ―event-only‖ sensors.
(All BIOS sensors and some
Integrated BMC and ME sen
sors are ―event-only‖; meaning that they are not readable
using an IPMI Get Sensor Reading command but rather are used just for event logging
– The current SEL contents are saved in both hexadecimal and text format.
CPU/memory register data useful for diagnosing the cause of the following
system errors:
CATERR, ERR[2], SMI timeout, PERR, and SERR.
The debug data is
saved and timestamped for the last 3 occurrences of the error conditions.
a. PCI error registers
b. MSR registers
c. MCH registers
Integrated BMC configuration data
Integrated BMC firmware debug log
(a.k.a. SysLog)
– Captures firmware debug
Data Center Management Interface (DCMI)
DCMI is an IPMI-based standard that builds upon a set of required IPMI standard commands by
adding a set of DCMI-specific IPMI OEM commands. BTP1200-LC platform will support DCMI
1.0 specification.
Local Directory Authentication Protocol (LDAP)
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an application protocol supported by the
Integrated BMC for the purpose of authentication and authorization.
The Integrated BMC user
connects with an LDAP server for login authentication.
This is only supported for non-IPMI
logins including the embedded web UI and SM-CLP. IPMI users/passwords and sessions are
not supported over LDAP.
LDAP can be configured (IP address of LDAP server, port, etc.) via the Integrated BMC
Embedded Web UI. LDAP authentication and authorization is supported over the any NIC
configured for system management. The BMC uses a standard Open LDAP implementation
for Linux.
4.3 Thermal Control
Memory Thermal Throttling
The system shall support thermal management through open loop throttling (OLTT) or static
closed loop throttling (CLTT) of system memory based on availability of valid temperature