Platform Management
Intel® Server Board S1200BT TPS
Revision 1.0
Intel order number G13326-003
Enabling Advanced Management Features
The Advanced management features are to be delivered as part of the Integrated BMC
firmware image.
The Integrated BMC
‘s baseboard SPI flash contains code/data for both the
Basic and Advanced features.
An optional add-in card Intel
RMM4-lite is used as the activation
When the Integrated BMC firmware initializes, it attempts to access the Intel
If the attempt to access Intel
RMM4-lite is successful, then the Integrated BMC
activates the advanced features.
Advanced manageability features are supported over all NIC ports enabled for server
This includes baseboard NICs as well as the LAN channel provided by the
optional Dedicated NIC add-in card.
There are two RMM4 SKUs:
– Advance features enabled but no dedicated management NIC.
– Advance features enabled with a dedicated management NIC. It is a
package that contains two modules: Intel® Dedicated Server Management NIC and
Keyboard, Video, and Mouse (KVM) Redirection
The BMC firmware supports keyboard, video, and mouse redirection (KVM) over LAN. This
feature is available remotely from the embedded web server as a Java applet. This feature is
enabled when the Intel
RMM4 is present. The client system must have a Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) version 5.0 or later to run the KVM or media redirection applets.
The Integrated BMC supports an embedded KVM application (Remote Console) that can be
launched from the embedded web server from a remote console.
USB1.1 or USB 2.0 based
mouse and keyboard redirection are supported.
It is also possible to use the KVM-redirection
(KVM-r) session concurrently with media-redirection (media-r).
This feature allows a user to
interactively use the keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) functions of the remote server as if the
user were physically at the managed server.
The KVM-redirection feature automatically senses video resolution for best possible screen
capture and provides high-performance mouse tracking and synchronization. It allows remote
viewing and configuration in pre-boot POST and BIOS setup, once BIOS has initialized video.
Other attributes of this feature include:
Encryption of the redirected screen, keyboard, and mouse
Compression of the redirected screen
Remote Console
The Remote Console is the redirected screen, keyboard and mouse of the remote host system.
To use the Remote Console window of your managed host system, the browser must include a
Java* Runtime Environment plug-in. If the browser has no Java support, such as with a small
handheld device, the user can maintain the remote host system using the administration forms
displayed by the browser.