Hardware Description
Intel® RFID Sensor Platform (Intel® RSP)
Installation & User Guide
Page: 28
Alternating WHITE/RED
If the sensor is unsuccessful in getting time from the advertised ntp server, the LED will
flash WHITE/RED three times.
Flashing PINK
During the Gateway Discovery process (if configured to do so), the Intel® RSP Sensor must
read the provisioning token out of the embedded NFC tag. If the sensor is successful in
reading the provisioning token, the LED will briefly flash PINK.
Solid Yellow (Idle)
Following Gateway Discovery, an LED state of “solid yellow" indicates that The Intel® RSP
Sensor is in the idle state and ready to accept commands.
An LED state of “solid blue" indicates the Intel® RSP Sensor is currently in an Inventory
Cycle (i.e. transmitting) but not receiving any tag data.
Flashing BLUE
An LED state of “flashing blue" indicates the Intel® RSP Sensor is currently in an Inventory
Cycle (i.e. transmitting) and successfully communicating with RFID tags.
Flashing RED
An LED state of “flashing red" indicates the Intel® RSP Sensor has detected a failure. This
will continue until the alert is acknowledged by the Gateway or the CLI.