InBusiness™ Internet Station
Get Connected
Before you connect the Internet Station to your network and run the Installation
CD-ROM, make sure that you have made all of your hardware decisions and
connected it correctly. Your Internet Station package contains:
Internet Station
Power supply and 6 ft. cable
CableKeeper cable management ring
Internet Station Installation CD-ROM which includes
On-line User’s Guide
Setup Software
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 and components
Modem Pooling Software
Information packet which includes
Installation Poster with ISP and ISDN information panels
Modem Compatibility List
Networking Basics:
general networking information
glossary of networking and Internet terms
Doing Business with Intel:
technical support information
Warranty statements
Registration Card
Wall mount template
Product Brochures
You need to have:
Modem(s) or an ISDN adapter
ISDN line or telephone lines for each modem
10Base-T hub or switch
Category 3 or 5 cable
Connect your equipment
Refer to the pictures in this guide and to the setup instructions on your Installation