Set a bi-directional audio path between the CPU and external speaker output
port. This option is suitable for playback/record for a wav file or another audio
format to an external speaker and microphone, such as in a vehicle. Configure
the audio configuration using
for the mode:
echo gsm_spkr_mic > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0018/audio_switch_mode
4. Set an audio path between the external speaker/microphone and the GSM modem
for "hands-free" cellular voice calls. This option is suitable for 2-way voice call
between vehicle occupant and called party.
5. Play an audio file to the speakers. Use the command:
aplay <filename.wav>
6. Record audio from the external microphone and save it as a WAV file:
arecord recording.wav
Enabling Audio Components—Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
April 2015
Getting Started Guide
Order No.: 330295-004