Chapter 3 Operating System Installation
and click < Finish > to finish the installation.
26. Input Username and Password to login the system.
3.2.3 Load HCA Card Driver
1. Insert Inspur Driver CD into the driver, click
on the desk.
2. In the terminal window that appears, input:
mount -o ro,loop MLNX_OFED_LINUX-<ver>-<OS label>.iso /mnt
3. Enter the directory of /mnt to run installation script, automatically complete
the driver installation
1) after the driver installation, in the terminal window, input:“mst start”
Starting MST (Mellanox Software Tools) driver set
Loading MST PCI module - Success
Loading MST PCI configuration module - Success
Create devices
MST modules:
MST PCI module loaded
MST PCI configuration module loaded
If the information above is displayed, it means the load runs normally.
(2). Input“mst status”
MST devices:
/dev/mst/mt4099_pciconf0 - PCI configuration cycles access.
bus:dev.fn=02:00.0 addr.reg=88 data.reg=92
Chip revision is: 01
/dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 - PCI direct access.
bus:dev.fn=02:00.0 bar=0xdfb00000 size=0x100000
Chip revision is: 01
If the information above is displayed, it means that the HCA device normal detec-
tion can be used.
4. Unload the driver
Execute /usr/sbin/ofed_uninstall.sh
the system will automatically complete the
driver unload.