InsPos S Operation Instruction
14 /
Connecting black USB interface to Cash Register/POS, white USB interface to AC adapter,
black DB9 female to Cash Register/POS, white DB9 male to printer (serial interface printer),
black USB female to printer (USB printer), black USB female to USB male of Ethernet adapter,
network cable to USB female of Ethernet adapter.
6.2.打印机问题 Printer problems
串口打印机需要获取打印机的波特率信息,将打印机关机后,按住 feed 键不放然后开机,松
The serial interface printer needs to grab the baud rate of printer. Power off the
printer,long press the “feed” and restart the printer. The printer will print self-test
information including the baud rate.
Unable to print out tickets: Check the serial interface cable between cashier system
and device or the serial interface cable between the printer and device.
无法启动:检查 USB 接线是否正常,或者更换 USB 电源接口。
Unable to start: check the USB cable or change the USB power interface.
If the printer prints random codes, please check the consistency of baud rate, paper
size and printing protocol between the printer and server default. Make sure the print
parameters are consistent with the server.
6.3.联网问题 Networking problems
配置好 WIFI /有线网络后,设备联网成功时,会每隔两秒钟闪一次绿色。联网失败时,会每
After the configuration of Wi-Fi/cable network, if the device connects to server
successfully, the green light of device will flash every two seconds. If the device connects
to server unsuccessfully, the red light will flash every two seconds. Users could be easy
to judge the situation of connection, according to the lights.
Unable to connect to network: check whether the wireless network or network connection
is normal. Otherwise, re-scan the QR-code to configure the network and restart the device.