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An Alliance Technology Company
600 Dekora Woods Blvd. Saukville, WI 53080
Toll Free: 800-488-8177 Local: 262-268-9330 Fax: 262-268-9952
An Alliance Technology Company
Camera Head: The camera head area, especially around the front light window, is an area
that is subject to wear and tear. Insight-Vision has provided a small and large protective skid
that MUST be used at all times. These skids are designed to aid in the centering of the
camera head and have the added benefit of helping to protect the camera head from extreme
wear. Failure to use the provided skids will result in direct wear to the front light ring area of
the camera, resulting in the eventual cracking of the light ring protective cover and allowing
water to ingress into the camera head. This is not a warranty repair.
Push Rod: The design of the horizontal push reel/coiler and the counter mechanism allows
for the push rod and camera head to be stored inside the coiler. The proper storage technique
is to store the camera head inside the basket.
At Insight-Vision our goal continues to be focused on providing one of the highest quality,
best designed and user-friendly systems offered on the market. We also realize that all we do
will amount to nothing without satisfied customers. We ask that you continue to work with us
to help evolve our product into one of the absolute best portable systems available. We are
always open to constructive ideas that will help us move forward with any or all of our
We also ask that you do your part in this relationship by striving to properly maintain and
take care of your camera system just as you would an automobile or any other tool. It is a
proven fact that any item that is properly maintained will last much longer and provide a
much greater opportunity for a good return on investment.
The Management at Insight-Vision