Date: November 2016
Issue No: 2
Crewsaver -
Servicing Manual : Inshore 380N Lifejacket
of 31
Following the inspection and testing procedures for Halkey
Roberts Manual operating heads as detailed in Section 5 and
6. Fit the retaining clip or pin. Both the green retaining u-
shaped clip and the green retaining pin, perform the same
job, either may be fitted. The clip is fitted by pressing it over
the firing arm and in to the recess either side in the centre of
the operating head. The clip will click into place, thereby
preventing the arm from moving. The pin is fitted by pushing
down through the hole in the middle of the recess, and
through the hole in the firing arm. The pin must be pushed in
from the side that will be facing upwards, when the operating
head is fitted on to the stole.
Fit the new bottom sealing washer / gasket on to the
manifold. The gasket must sit flat on the manifold and lie
underneath the bottom collar at the base of the manifold.
Before fitting the operating head onto the manifold, check
that the Schrader valve is fitted. If fitting a new Schrader
valve ensure it is only finger tight. Then place the operating
head onto the manifold, so that the cylinder threaded opening
is facing the cylinder elastic. (away from the bottom of the
With the top gasket in place, fit the retaining nut. The
retaining nut should by screwed in to place using a torque
wrench or driver fitted with a 9/16" socket. The wrench or
driver should be set to between 2.5 and 2.7 Nm. This will
prevent damage to the operating head and ensure a good
seal is maintained.
Fig 8.1
Halkey Roberts Operating Head
Fig. 8.1.3
Fig. 8.1.1
Fig. 8.1.4
With the operating head fitted to the manifold, place the top
gasket into the recess over the protruding end of the
manifold. The two gaskets differ in size as shown below:-
Bottom Sealing Gasket / Washer
Top Sealing Gasket / Washer
Fig. 8.1.2
Cylinder Sealing
Gasket / Washer
Check that the cylinder sealing gasket in the end of the
operating head has been correctly fitted, or replaced if
necessary. Ensure that the cylinder has been check weighed
before fitting to the lifejacket.
Fit the gas cylinder to the firing
mechanism using the torque wrench (4Nm) and head
adaptor from the tool kit. The cylinder is gripped in one hand
and the head tightened using the torque wrench held in the
other hand.
Section 8