Menu Operations
[Green] to open the sort window.
Press [CH▲/▼] to select and [OK] to
confirm your choice.
The ways of sorting are:
Default: Sort channel factory default.
FTA/CAS: Sort channel by free and
scrambled sequence. Free channels
will be listed first and scrambled
channels behind in the channel list.
Lock: Unlocked channels are listed first end locked channels at the end.
Name(A-Z): Sorting in Alphabetical order, ignoring “$” symbol.
Name(Z-A): Sorting in Alphabetical order, ignoring “$” symbol.
TV Channel List Edit
After pressing the [Yellow] button a window
for entering the password will open. The
default password is “0000”.
You can delete, skip, lock and edit the
Press [MENU] to leave the channel editing.
The system will ask you to confirm the
saving of the changes you made.
In channel edit menu press [Red] button will open another window where you
can choose between delete one channel and delete all channel.
Del One
Press [Red] button to mark a channel for deleting. Marked channel will be
deleted after you confirm to save the changes when you leave this menu.
Del All
a) Press [Green] button to show a deleting icon behind all channel name.
b) Press [MENU] button you will be asked “Are you sure to save?”. Select
“OK” to delete all channel. Select “Cancel” to cancel the operation.