Menu Operations
Then mark “Start” and press [Enter] to begin the download of the upgrade.
This may need up to 60 minutes. Therefore we suggest using of this
function only if you don’t intent to watch TV during this time.
This option allows updating the software of
the receiver with the received data from a
USB memory device. To do it, connect a
USB memory device to the receiver and
accede to this menu option.
The last software version to be loaded
must be placed at the root path of your
USB device.
Update file: Select with [Vol◄/►], the
name of the file to be choosed.
Select “Start” and press [OK]. An alert message appears indicating not to
take out the memory device during the loading process.
Once the file has been loaded, it requires the conformity to end the
upgrading process, writing into the receiver “Are you sure to burn flash ?”.
Press [OK] to upgrade the receiver. In case during the reading of the file, it
is corrupted or it would be a not appropriated for this model of receiver, an
alert message would appear “Error reading the USB disk”.
After pressing [OK] the receiver will write into the Flash memory, and it will
reboot to end the upgrading process.
NOTE: 1. USB Upgrade menu will be gray when no USB device is pluged.
The upgrade file is the binary file, *.bin. Only the files, which extend
name is bin, would be displayed. User need put the upgrade file under
root of USB card.
Backup To USB
Back up the software and data fo the
receiver to external hard drives.