DINplayer User Manual v.2.3
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1.1 What is DINplayer?
DINplayer is an advanced MP3 player with solid state memory, which has been designed
to play warning messages, voice alerts and all types of audio files, recalled by the use of
logical inputs in binary combination.
Standard DIN clamp housing allows to use it with different automation systems: PLC,
industrial computers, touch screen operated terminals, automatic distributors, commercial
promotion systems and various uses on switchboards.
1.2 What is Mp3?
Mp3 is an acronym for Mpeg-1 layer 3. This is an audio compression standard which
eliminates sounds which the human ear cannot hear via a psycho-acoustic algorithm. The
purpose of this compression is to reduce the space taken up by an audio file while still
ensuring excellent quality. The greater the compression, the less the audio quality. The
right compromise, which guarantees a quality comparable to that of a Compact Disc, is
128 Kbps (thousands of bits per second) which represents the most widely used manner,
and reduces the size of an uncompressed file by 10 times.
1.3 Encoder
Software which compresses audio CDs or wave files into MP3s. There are many software
of this kind, and it is virtually impossible to say which is the best.
1.4 Decoder
Software which decompresses an MP3 audio file in order to send it to a digital-analog
converter and reconstruct the original audio signal.
1.5 Player
Hardware and software system able to read MP3 audio files. DINplayer is able to carry out
this function.
1.6 Wave
High quality audio format (extension .wav), compatible with the tracks of normal music
CD’s. If one uses a wave file in format 44.1 KHz/sec. at 16 bit in stereo, one will get
exactly the same quality as a music CD, but the size of the file is about 10Mb per minute.
1.7 Audio compression in various formats.
The following graphic shows the space taken up by an uncompressed audio file of about 5
minutes (.wav) and compressed in MP3 at 128Kbps (MP3).
51,1 MB
4,6 MB