DINplayer User Manual v.2.3
Page 31
The following table lists the values of the parameters needed to connect DINplayer to a
Master system coordinating it (protocol, speed, timings, etc.).
Address DINplayer in the 485 bus (ADD) (Value between 0 and 63 in decimal).
This address
be univocal, two devices with the same
address can not co-exist on the same bus.
Enabling introduction of the Checksum:
0= Checksum deactivated
1= Checksum activated
Enabling introduction of end-of-pack
characters CR and LF (hexadecimal values
OD and 0A)
0= No CR and LF
1= Insertion of CR and LF activated
Baud rate (communication speed in bits
per second)
0=1200 bps
1=2400 bps
2=4800 bps
3=9600 bps
Parity Bits:
0= no parity
1= odd parity
2= even parity
Number of Stop Bits
1=1 stopBit
2=2 stopBits
Number of data bits
7=7 bits per datum
8=8 bits per datum
Minimum delay between end of reception
of the pack and delivery of the reply.
(Value expressed in tenths of msec
between 0 and 15 in decimal)
0= Minimum delay of about 4msec
1= Minimum delay of 10msec
2= Minimum delay of 20msec
Deactivate all replies:
0= standard function, every command is
followed by a confirmation or error reply.
1= all replies deactivated.
Message waiting time (CMDR)
This is the delay time of the reply message, required by some computers to switch over
between the state of transmission and the state of reception.
The awaiting time determines the minimum delay before the DINplayer sends data in reply
to the message received from the Master. Set this time at a value different from
only if
the specifications of the Master demand it, since the delay determines an extension of the
time needed to complete the command.