Offline FAQs
How far away can I get from the Tappecue in Offline Mode?
The range of the antennae is about 180 feet.
Can more than 1 person be connected?
Can I use the Tappecue Wi-Fi Network for Internet?
No, when you connect to the Tappecue Wi-Fi network there will not be Internet.
Can I use my cellular while on the Tappecue Wi-Fi Network?
With iOS the cellular needs to be turned off, with Android you can use what’s called Smart Network Switch
if your Android phone allows it.
Can I use my computer instead of my phone for OFFLINE mode?
We don’t have an app for it, but if you are technical we can get you the IP address and port and you can
setup your own software to use. Send us an email at
Session Book
What is Tappecue SessionBook?
Tappecue SessionBook is a paid, web-based feature that works in conjunction with your Tappecue device
by storing the historical log of time/temps of your Tappecue session(s) onto the Tappecue Cloud for ease of access,
giving the consumer a “Book” to store data, notes, recipes, images, etc. thus creating a wealth of BBQ data to
improve their processes and, as such, their final results. SessionBook allows its subscribers the freedom to save all
their smoking sessions in one convenient location: www.tappecue.net. Access these sessions any time. Add
images, notes, recipes, etc. to the saved session for later viewing. Make your adjustments (or don't make any if